About Me

Christine June
Christine June is an author, certified coach, and consultant. Christine holds a degree in Psychology, with 26 years of experience working with parents, families, and community engagement. Christine is known for her heart for serving others. Her lifelong goals have been to empower, motivate and educate others into becoming winners in all different areas. As a Coach and Consultant, her mission is to motivate others to get in the correct position to pursue their true purpose that will in turn manifest their dreams and execute their “WHY”. She is a certified Champion Influence Empowerment Coach and the owner of Just Breathe Coaching and Consulting, LLC. She facilitates Vision Board workshops and classes around empowerment and goal setting.

My Passions
Through my work as a personal coach, my career in Parent, Family and Community Engagement, and my personal passion search, I learned some very detailed strategies for uncovering life passion, self-limiting beliefs and dealing with potential internal and external barriers, and creating the actions to change your life so you can live your passion.
My Goal
Just Breathe Coaching and Consulting goal is to provide and assist individuals with emotional and mental wellness, self-discovery and self-care. The objective is to help individuals emotionally and mentally by learning new strategies that will help them live and work effectively to gain motivation to move from empty to empowered.

Just Me

Just Me

Just Me

Just Me